Everything You Need To Know About Film Photography 📸

What Is Film Photography?

Film Photography is a type of photographic art that requires the use of plastic strips that are called film. The type of film that is used when taking pictures will determine how they develop. Films have different attributes such as: ISO, exposures, and size.

Defining Film Attributes

This determines the camera's sesnitivity to light. The higher the ISO, the more sensitive it becomes. The most common ISO in films are 200 or 400. If you want to take pictures in darker settings, you would use a film with 800 ISO.

When given a number of exposures on film, this only means how many frames the roll of film has to offer. The most common are 24 and 36. For example, If I buy film that has 200 ISO and 24exp then I can take 24 pictures with a low light sensitivty.

Film comes in sizes. The most common sizes used are 35mm and 120. 35mm is a lot more common than the latter. This means that the film has a smaller frame making the pictures look further and with less resolution. 120 film will make the pictures look closer and with more resolution, hence less grainy.

My Love For Film Photography 🎞

I have always loved photography and got more into it when I picked up an Instax Mini polaroid camera in 2017, the one that prints out the film. Fast forward to 2022, I wanted to cherish those mini printable films in larger film pictures that will show off the vintage colours and grains that I appreciate, while also telling a story. That is when I found the camera that I currently own; Olympus Trip AF 51. This was an easy beginner film camera as it was automatic and very easy to use.

Learn more about Film Photography ➡️

My Personal Film Photographs 📸

Photographs by Ream Zreik 💎