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red panda

Some interesting facts

Range and habitat

Red pandas live in the rainy mountain forests of Nepal, India, Bhutan, northern Myanmar (Burma), and central China. They spend the vast majority of their lives in trees, where they sleep and sunbathe.

sunbathing panda

Incredible acrobats

Red pandas, which grow to about the size of a house cat, are impressive acrobats that climb and swing on trees in their Asian forest homes.

They Primarily Eat Bamboo

Bamboo makes up 90% of their meals, while the remaining 10% is mostly comprised of berries, eggs, fruits, mushrooms, acorns, roots, flowers, birds, and maple and mulberry leaves.

panda eats
cute panda

Did you know?

  • Red pandas, unlike black-and-white pandas, are not bears.
  • The Chinese word for red panda is hun-ho, meaning “fire fox.”
  • Red Pandas have pseudo-thumbs, which help them grip and grasp objects.
  • A French zoologist first described the red panda in 1825 - 48 years before giant pandas were cataloged.
Learn more on National Geographic

Coded by Eliza Fisenko