Join the world of climbing today, starting with bouldering!
While this sport may seem daunting and frightening, with some simple
tricks and tips, anything is achievable. From one scared human being to
another, here are a couple reasons why you should give bouldering a go.
It's a Full Body Workout! 💪
To start bouldering, it's as simple as going to your local climbing
gym, renting a pair of shoes and a chalk bag, and to just start
climbing. There's a common misconception that climbing is all about
utilizing your upper body. But it actually uses the whole body,
especially the legs and feet, to bring the body closer to the wall
and reach the next hold with more ease.
There is no Wrong Solution! 🙌
Each bouldering course is like a puzzle, except there is no right or
wrong way to solve it. Everyone's heights, wingspan, and flexibility
vary so much, that what works for one person may not work for
another. There's nothing more enjoyable when than finding your own
solution and then sharing it with others!
Discover a New Community! 🤝
If you think this is an individualistic sport, then boy are you
wrong. You will often find people cheering you on as you complete a
difficult course or giving you tips to try and assist you.
Bouldering has a strong sense of community that accepts anyone who
is willing to climb.