I love Yoga

Especially Yoga Nidra

Woman laying on the floor, Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra or yogic sleep in modern usage is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, typically induced by a guided meditation. Yoga nidra involves slowing down and chilling out. So does meditation. While some people tend to lump them together, they really are two different practices. “Yoga nidra is like meditation, but yet it’s not,” says yoga therapist and yoga program manager, Judi Bar. “There are overlaps, but there also are key differences. With yoga nidra, you are lying down and the goal is to move into a deep state of conscious awareness sleep, which is a deeper state of relaxation with awareness. This state involves moving from consciousness while awake to dreaming and then to not-dreaming while remaining awake — going past the unconscious to the conscious.”

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