Go mirror.
Or go mirrorless.
Whether you prefer DSLRs or MILCs, mirrormirror is here to fill you in on the best & most affordable brands and tips on how to use them. To learn more about which camera brands work well with your budget click the button below.
Camera Solo

A New Frontier to Filming

Mirrorless Cameras

Camera on Laptop

A mirrorless camera (MILC) is a photo camera featuring a single, removable lens and a digital display. The camera does not have a reflex mirror or optical viewfinder like a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) camera, but may have an electronic viewfinder. Many mirrorless cameras retain a mechanical shutter. Like a DSLR, a mirrorless camera accepts any of a series of interchangeable lenses compatible with its lens mount.

The lighter build of MILCs make this a great option for female filmmakers seeking to lighten the load for all-day filming. Their innovative design allows for more precision with several brands releasing their own lines of mirrorless cameras.

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