h o r i z o n t a l & f e m i n i s
t s p i r i t u a l i t y
tarot cards provide an illuminating mirror to better understand who you
are and about to become. cards put your story into a univarsal context
and extract wisdom to fight anxiety and hopelessness
the deck is all about the archetypal significance: the suit of wands
represents passion and willpower, the suit of cups
stands for emotions and intuition, the swords
talk about intelligence, logic, conflict and struggles, and finally -
the pentacles
- comment on security and prosperity
western feminism has been in a relationship with witchcraft and witches
from the very beginning. in the nineteenth century, an american
m a t i l d a j o s l y n g a g e said that the witch-hunt in the middle ages and in later times
was not a fight for the christian values against the devil, but just a
certain embodiment of the social misogyny ๐๐ฑ