Trypillian Culture in Ukraine

In 1896-1897 an archaeologist, Vikentii Khvoika, discovered cultural artifacts from the Neolithic era
near the village of Trypillia, on the outskirts of Kyiv, which are now known as the Trypillian Culture.
It is most notable for its proto-cities built 6000 years ago with rectangular surface dwellings, weaving,
pictographic writing system, pottery furnace, ceramic pottery, bronze items, as well as crop rotation.

A pitcher with symbols of transition to another world
A pitcher with ying and yang symbols

Ceramic pottery

A pitcher with time spiral symbols
Trypillian binoculars

If you want to know more about Trypillian culture consider visiting one of the museums in Ukraine .

This page was created by Khrystyna Demchenko