Neapolitan Pizza

Why Neapolitan pizza is the best pizza in the world

Pizza originated in Naples Italy 🇮🇹 This is the place to go if you want to eat the best pizza in the world, which is Neapolitan pizza! Two of the main ingredients are tomato and mozzarella cheese which grow on the volcanic soil near Mount Vesuvius in Naples. The most famous pizza is Pizza Margherita, the toppings resemble the Italian flag: red (tomato) white (mozzarella), and green (basil). The pizza should be soft, elastic, and tender when cooked and should be consumed immediately out of the oven at the pizzeria. Try it and no other pizza will ever taste as good as Neapolitan pizza.


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In case you want to make your own margherita pizza try out our authentic recipe at home


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