Culinary masterpiece and pride of Ukraine - Borsch❤️


Borsch (beetroot soup) is not just a traditional Ukrainian daily meal, it’s a symbol of unity - the basis of the culinary tradition of Ukraine, which is stronger than any modern experiments and overseas borrowings. Borsch is a dish with a national character. It is primarily associated with Ukraine. This “association” smells delicious and promises warmth, comfort, fullness, and, thus, sense of peace. When Ukrainians choose to cook borsch as their everyday main dish - their express their patriotism and show their love for Ukraine.

Ukrainian borsch. Was, is, and will always be!

Over the years, this dish has evolved, and today more than 100 recipe variations have appeared. In any case, every hostess has her recipe for borsch, her secrets of cooking, which are usually passed from generation to generation. Ukrainian ancestors believed that true borsch should be so rich and dense that a spoon can stand in it. And the steam above the soup plate should be so thick that children sitting at the table should be hardly seen))
Read more about borsch📍


Press the button to cook borsch together!!!😋

Coded by Oleksandra Karmanchykova