Why We Should All
Be Vegan

Here are the top 5 reasons to go vegan this year:


1. It’s the Best Way to Help Animals 🙉
Did you know that every vegan saves nearly 200 animals per year? There is simply no easier way to help animals and prevent suffering than by choosing plant-based foods over meat, eggs, and dairy “products.”

2. Be Healthier and Happier 😊
Being vegan is great for your health! According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegans are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure than meat-eaters are. Vegans get all the nutrients that they need to be healthy, such as plant protein, fiber, and minerals, without all the nasty stuff in meat that may slow you down and make you sick, such as cholesterol and saturated animal fat.

3. Meat Is Gross 🤢
Animal flesh is often contaminated with feces, blood, and other bodily fluids—all of which make animal-derived foods the top source of food poisoning in the United States. Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School tested supermarket chickens’ flesh and found that 96 percent of Tyson chicken packages were contaminated with campylobacter, a dangerous bacterium that causes 2.4 million cases of food poisoning each year, resulting in diarrhea, cramping, abdominal pain, and fever.

4. Help Feed the World 🌽
Eating meat doesn’t just hurt animals—it hurts people, too. It takes tons of crops and water to raise farmed animals. In fact, it takes up to 13 pounds of grain to produce just 1 pound of animal flesh! All that plant food could be used much more efficiently if people just ate it directly. The more people who go vegan, the better able we’ll be to feed the hungry.

5. Save the Planet 🌍
Meat is not environmentally friendly. Consuming it is actually one of the worst things that you can do for the Earth. Meat production is wasteful and causes enormous amounts of pollution, and the industry is also one of the biggest causes of the climate crisis. Going vegan is more effective than switching to a “greener” car in the fight against the climate crisis.

Get your FREE Vegan Starter Kit HERE!