Attack On Titan

Why is Attack On Titan the best anime ?

The plot

From the very beginning, the plot is built very well. You will never imagine where it's heading; no missing pieces and no plot holes. Attack On Titan has exciting arcs and plot twists. The thought process for each episode is extremely clever and well-written. As soon as you begin to predict the outcome, you will get smacked with a plot twist!

The characters

In addition to its impeccable storytelling, Attack on Titan offers some of the most solid and intriguing characters ever made. But, of course, you will always need to have the main characters, supporting characters, and side characters in every TV show. However, in the Attack On Titan universe, all the characters are introduced to either advance the story or develop a new one. On top of that, Attack On Titan isn't afraid to sacrifice its characters. Attack On Titan doesn't care where the character is in the character hierarchy; it will kill its characters without a doubt. Which makes it even more enjoyable to watch and more challenging to predict.

The themes

A recurring theme in Attack On Titan is freedom. If you don't fight, you'll never win. From the very beginning, the narrator starts off by saying, "On that day, humanity remembered the terror of being dominated by them and the shame of being held captive in a birdcage." In Eren's eyes, they're being oppressed by the walls themselves. They're content as long as they're not being eaten by titans. The belief-desire in being free and the urge to escape confinement from the walls are the primary motivation for the character to keep on fighting.

Theme analysis