Student Exchange

Immerse yourself in the culture

Have you ever wanted to live overseas? Go to another school or university? Make friends from all over the world? Learn a new langauge? If so...Exchange might be the perfect opportunity for you!!

Exchange Graphic

Going on exchange has many positive outcomes for an individual and these are most visable through educational, personal and long term growth. Learn more on the World Education Program site.

Exchange immerses a young adult within a new family, school, community, culture and more often than not a new language. It is not surprsing that the experience will stay with the indivdual for life, making them more mature, cultured and independent.

Below is a video created by the World Education Program that interviews some of it's students before commencing their 5 month exchange whilst on orientation in Rome. They detail some of the important and valuable reasons someone would choose to go on exchange. Enjoy 😄

Other good exchange companies include Southern Cross Cultural Exchange and Rotary Youth Exchange Australia.