Discover the power of the subconscious mind

We are a product of our past. Every experience we’ve ever had, good or bad, is imprinted within us, crystallising as the core beliefs, or “truths” we hold about who we are and how the world works. This is our conditioning and it is ‘stored’ in our subconscious mind.

Everything that’s happened to you right up to this very moment has moulded you into the unique human reading this sentence. In this way, our past directly influences the way we see, feel and act today. The way you behave in your relationships. What you choose to do - or not do.

And while that’s fine for the most part, what about the negative aspects of your life? Behaviour patterns we’d rather not repeat? Disabling emotions such as fear, anxiety and despair triggered by certain situations? Perhaps we have self-worth issues, or issues around money? The list is endless.

As an example, If you were neglected by your parent or caregiver in your formative childhood years, as an adult you might experience difficulties trusting and connecting with others.

So, how do we work with the past?

We cannot go back in time and ‘un-experience’ something but we can change how we feel about it, now.

The latest findings in neuroscience show us that the brain has an incredible propensity for change, and is constantly wiring and re-wiring nerural pathways according to the thoughts and behaviours that we regularly hold.

The most effective way to change how we think and feel is by accessing the place where we form our belief systems - the subconscious mind.

Until now, accessing the subconscious mind has been an exlusive skill reserved for high-level meditators with years of practice. Yet trying to change the unfavourable end result of years of negative experiences in therapy - is just as difficult.

With QEC, however, we do just that. QEC is able to work with belief systems at the subconscious level of mind.

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