Black Metal

Scandinavian greatness

Gorgoroth Illustrational photo of Gorgoroth

Black metal is an extreme subgenre of heavy metal music that emerged from the elements of extreme metal, such as thrash metal and death metal. Common traits include fast tempos, a shrieking vocal style, sonically powerful instrumentation, heavily distorted guitars played with tremolo picking, raw recording, unconventional song structures, and an emphasis on atmosphere. Preformances focus on a macabre visual style with artists often appearing in corpse paint and using dark lyrical themes.

The early Norwegian black metal scene of the 1990s is credited with creating the modern black metal genre and produced some of the most acclaimed and influential artists in extreme metal.

Contrary to popular belief, the black metal community is generally a warm and welcoming community. People tend to be including and caring, looking out for each other and making sure every person present has a good time. Although looks may be deceiving, these environments are a truly great place to be.

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