
What Happens when you finally get your 'Dream Job'

motherhood at it's finest

Remember back in elementary school when teachers asked you what you wanted to be when you grow up? I'm sure there were times that I answered this question: "teacher", "actress", or "zookeeper". But I overwhelmingly wanted to be a Mom.

Why mother? Great question. Definitely for all the respect, admiration and awards we shower down on mothers...especially working mothers. (Said dripping in sarcasm). Or maybe it's because I somehow realized that it was the one job that was actually teacher, actress, and zookeeper all rolled into one. But whatever sparked this dream, I did seem to have a lot of the factors that make for good mothers—kindness, patience, love.

Don't forget what happened to the (wo)man who suddenly got everything he always wanted.
(S)he lived happily ever after.
- Willy Wonka

On February 2016, my dream became a reality. My daughter, Gem was born. I was overcome by how much more motherhood was. As much as I dreamed and planned to become a mother, nothing prepared me for how truly wonderful it could be. It's not easy, a lot of it is scary and hard. But it is also so much richer and exciting then I ever could have dreamed.

the one who changed my life

Mom's work hard, and though there's no Mommy Of The Year Award, make sure you let your mom, or maternal figure know how appreciative you are of their sacrifices and strenth this Mother's Day. And if your not sure how to say this, find 101 ways to say 'Thank You Mom'.

This website build by Katie Gosline