Come experience...

Venice, Italy

Venice Photo by Pixabay - Pexels

A timeless city...
Venice is a dreamy city that not only leaves you feeling romantic but in awe of all of its mystery and wonder. I have only had the chance to visit once myself, but it's definitely on my list to return this upcoming summer during my European adventure. A few things to make sure to add to your list are the Grand Canal (which is filled with gondoliers), and the Piazza San Marco, of course. Be careful as you meander on the streets - if you're not paying attention... you may find yourself taking a swim - take it from my own experience! Gothic churches, palaces, espresso, gelato, pizza, and souvenir shops, are just a few of the delights you will experience.

Click here to learn more about Venice

Venice Photo by Chait Goli - Pexels

Venice Photo by Max Avans - Pexels