Do you love honey and flowers?

🍯 🐝 🌼

If yes, help save our hardworking pollinators!

bees honey

Did you know that...

Even though honey bees population has not yet been facing any severe decline, it's time for us to focus on their pollinators cousins! In recent years, bee populations have been declining globally. Increased rates of colony collapse disorder, climate change, and other factors have contributed to these changes. These changes have sparked fear that bees may go extinct, leaving us without essential pollination services. As a result, researchers are even exploring creating robotic replacements for bees. The American Fish and Wildlife Service has recognized the severe decline in some threatened wild bee populations. In 2016, seven species of Hawaiian yellow-faced bees were placed on the endangered species list. In 2017 the rusty patch bumble bee (Bombus affinis) was designated as an endangered species. This was the first bumblebee species to receive this classification.

How Can You Help?

Here are some links from to help you educate yourself on how to save our bee populations!

Built by MJ
