📚 I Love Books 📚





I love books. There is absolutely no reason why I love it and if one thing makes me happy, that is only and only books. Books are the window to the vastness of imagination which has no limits and no end to it. And books are always the best friend you need in your life. I will not call myself a bookworm but I am a voracious reader and I read fast. If I like a book, more in the line of unputdownable, I will finish it and then will go on to do other things. When I was a kid, I was not much inclined to books. I slowly started inculcating good reading practices and that’s when I found my love for reading books. I have read a lot of books, a lot of types and different genres of books to actually know what I truly enjoy. I started with thriller fiction. I even ventured into serious drama ones.

Created by Olha Taianovska