🐾Life after adoption🐾

Let me introduce you, my sweet dog- Sznupka🐕

Sznupka was adopted year ago, exactly 15th of April 2021. When we met her for the first time, she was 7 years old, was very neglected, shy and afraid of people. Now she is happy and loved. She is so wise! Sznupka learnd many dog tricks during this year, like: sit, shake hand, high five, roll over, play dead, sit pretty, stay, lie down, peek-a-boo and many more! She is amazing!🏆

Few days ago, she had her first birthday party! Sznupka got special cake (chicken and carrot flavor)! 🐔🥕🎂

Sznupka was adopted from Schronisko dla zwierząt w Gaju.
If you would like to check out that shelter click here!

Do you have any questions about pet adoption?

Email: [email protected] Instagram: @sznupka

Coded by Kasia Przybylska