

Sea Run Trout

Steelhead stay in freshwater for one to three years before making their way to the ocean. As they age, they prefer cold, deep pools and are particularly reliant on shade to keep the slower moving water in these locations cool. Some Steelhead return from the ocean during November to May (“winter-run” Steelhead) at the age of four or five, while other younger Steelhead (aged three) will enter freshwater between April and October (“summer-run” Steelhead). Winter and summer Steelhead are genetically different, though they both spawn between January to May and often share the same stream or river.

Learn More about Steelhead

British Columbia is home to the best wild steelhead fishing found anywhere in the world. Our famed rivers on BC’s south, central and north coast host hard pulling aggressive steelhead, the type dreams are made out of!

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