
Stories for Kids

The Panchatantra are moral stories and one of the most popular collections of animal-based fables. These stories are light, colourful and appropriate, even for tiny tots, and provide valuable lessons that stay in their minds forever.

The legend about the origin of Panchatantra traces back into the times of King Amarashakti, who appointed a scholar named Vishnu Sharma to educate his three sons. Vishnu Sharma realised that conventional tools and techniques of teaching did not work well with these princes, and so, decided to teach them through stories, instead. He, therefore, wrote a collection of stories and it was named as Panchatantra.


The Tortoise and the Geese

The Tortoise and the Geese

Once upon a time, beside a lake, there lived a tortoise and two geese who were great friends. As the lake was drying, the geese decided to migrate to a new place. The tortoise also wanted to move with them, but he couldn’t fly, and so he pleaded the geese to take him with them. After trying really hard to convince them, finally, the geese agreed. They held a stick with their beaks and asked the tortoise to hold the stick with his mouth, warning him to not open his mouth and let go of the stick.
As they flew high, some onlookers thought that the tortoise was kidnapped and commented: “Oh, the poor tortoise!” This angered the tortoise and he immediately opened his mouth to say something back. As soon as he did, he fell to the ground.

The Stork and the Crab

The Stork and the Crab

Once upon a time, there lived a stork who used to pick fishes from the pond beside him, and eat them. However, as he grew older, he found it difficult to catch a single fish. In order to feed himself, he thought of a plan. He told the fish, frogs, and crabs, that some men are planning to fill the pond and grow crops, and that’s why there won’t be any fish in the pond. He also told them how sad he felt about this and that he will miss them all. The fish were sad and asked the stork to help them. The stork promised to take all of them to a bigger pond. However, he told them, “As I am old, I can take only a few of you at one go.” The stork would take the fishes to a rock, kill them, and eat them up. Every time he was hungry, he would take a few of them to the rock and eat them.
There lived a crab in the pond, who wanted to go to the bigger pond too. The stork thought of eating the crab for a change and agreed on helping him. On the way, the crab asked the stork, “Where is the big pond?” The stork laughed and pointed to the rock, which was filled with fish bones. The crab realised that the stork would eat him, and so quickly thought of a plan to save himself. He caught the stork’s neck and did not let it go until the stork gave up.

The Elephants and the Mice

The Elephants and the Mice

There was a village that was abandoned by its people after it shattered, post an earthquake. However, the mice living in the village decided to stay and make it their home. On the outskirts of this village, there was a lake, where a herd of elephants visited regularly to bathe and drink water. Since the village was on the way to this lake, the elephants trampled the mice while walking there. So, the king of mice decided to meet the elephants. He told them, ” O elephants, as you travel through the village, many mice are trampled. We will be very grateful if you could please consider changing your route. We will remember and return the favour when you are in need.”
The elephant king laughed, “We are giant elephants. What favour can you mice return? Nevertheless, we honour your request and change our route.”
After a few days, the elephants got trapped and entangled in nets that were set up by hunters. They struggled hard to escape, but in vain. The elephant king remembered the promise made by the king of mice. So, he sent a fellow elephant who got lucky and was not trapped, to ask the mice king to come and help them.
Soon, all the mice came and started nibbling the nets, and freed the elephants. The king of the elephants couldn’t thank the mice enough!

The Lion and the Rabbit

The Lion and the Rabbit

Once upon a time, there lived a greedy lion who attacked and killed animals, because of which every animal in the jungle was very afraid of him. One day, they decided that each animal would go to the lion, per day, as his prey. The lion agreed. When it was the rabbit’s turn, they decided to send the wise old one. He travelled slowly and reached the lion’s den before sunset. The lion furiously asked him, “Why are you so late?” The rabbit answered, ”A group of rabbits were coming to you, but on their way, the others were attacked by another ferocious lion. I managed to escape and came here.” The rabbit also mentioned that the other lion was challenging this one.
The lion was extremely angry and asked the rabbit to take him to meet the new lion. The wise rabbit took the lion to a deep well, and showed him his own reflection. As the lion growled, his reflection did the same. He considered this reflection to be his enemy. The enraged lion jumped into the well to attack the other lion, and got trapped. Thus, the wise old rabbit saved himself, and all the animals in the forest.