My Hometown - Singapore

🌼🌲The Garden City🌻🌳


Singapore is a sovereign island city-state in Southeast Asia. Singapore has the third greatest population density in the world. With a multicultural population and recognising the need to respect cultural identities, Singapore has four official languages - English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Multiracialism is enshrined in the constitution and continues to shape national policies in education, housing, and politics.
Singapore is the only country in Asia with a AAA sovereign rating from all major rating agencies. It is a major financial and shipping hub, has consistently ranked the most expensive city to live in since 2013, and has been identified as a tax haven. Singapore is placed highly in key social indicators: education, healthcare, quality of life, personal safety, and housing, with a home-ownership rate of 91 percent. Singaporeans enjoy one of the longest life expectancies, fastest Internet connection speeds, lowest infant mortality rates and lowest levels of corruption in the world.

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