Pets: They can improve your health!

| The many benefits of owning a pet |

Most pet owners are well aware of the joys that come with having companion animals, however many of us are unaware of the mental and physical health benefits that can also accompany snuggling up with a furry friend. Allergic to dogs or cats? Don't have the space for a larger animal? The good news is that these benefits can be effective with just about anypet. Rabbits, birds, reptiles, even fish! Keep reading to see what studies have shown about this!

| Mental Health Benefits - Pet Ownership |

A pet can be a great source of comfort and motivation. In many ways, pets can help us to live mentally healthier lives.

| Physical Health Benefits - Pet Ownership |

Every little bit counts when it comes to physical health benefits!

If you would like to share how dogs have enriched your life, helped you through a traumatic event, or even just a cute story about your furry friend - I would love to hear about it! Submit your story below!