Watercolor Basics

Watercoloring for Beginners


Watercoloring is one of the most unique forms of art. It's also a great starting point for beginners that are looking for a new hobby, or to release creativity, or to improve their mental health, or whatever it may be. It can be fun, inexpensive, and easy to learn.

While learning any art can take time and can be frustrating when mistakes are made, with watercolor, mistakes are what make the painting so beautiful. Mistakes tend to come from the amount of water on your brush. Too little or too much water can cause unplanned textures in your painting. It can take time to master how much water you need on your brush. But just know, advanced painters will purposefully add too little or too much water to achieve those textures in their painting.

If you think you've made a "mistake," just keep going! In the end, you'll love those mistakes (we call them "blooms" in watercolor), and you will realize that it makes your art piece more unique. Below are are some suggestions for starting your new artistic journey!


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This page was build by Sonya Artz