coffee mugs with hot coffee

Coffee: The Basics

A quick dip into the wonderful world of coffee.

What is Coffee:
a hot drink made from the roasted and ground seeds (coffee beans) of a tropical shrub.

What we know as the coffee bean is actually the dried and roasted seed that comes from the berries that grow on coffee plants. Two of the more common coffee plant spices are c.arabic and c.robusta. The berries of these plants are harvested once they are ripe, which is indicated by the change in color from green to red. Coffee berries are available during the spring and summer months and over 70 countires worldwide produce coffee beans.

The top 5 coffee bean producing countries ,as of March 2020, are:

After the seeds are dried a rosated, they become the coffee bean we know and love. The flavor and taste of the coffee is detemrined by how long the beans are roasted. Coffee can be prepared in an endless aray of forms. The most common being hot coffee. While iced coffee is also.

Coffee is one of the most popluar drinks in the world. It is the second largest traded comodity, and is worth over 100,000,000,000 (100 billion) worldwide. The Big Ballers of the coffee industry are Kraft, P&G, Sara Lee and Nestle. Torgther, they buy about 50% of all coffee produced worldwide.

roasted coffee beans