Indoor Cycling 🚴🏽‍♀️

The best groupworkout in the world!

Indoor Cycling

Facts about Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is a group training program usually performed as endurance sports on stationary bicycles called Indoorbikes or Spinbikes with music. Indoor cycling came into vogue in the 1970s and 80s - largely influenced by training on roller trainers, the free roller, and ergometer training for performance testing purposes. Although there is no locomotion, it is often referred to as "riding" on an indoor bike. In analogy to the bicycle, the term "handlebar" is also used for the indoor bike, although this device only serves to hold and support the indoor bike with the hands and arms.

About me:

Indoor cycling is my greatest love. I've been teaching cycling in Berlin for more than 6 years. This program is so much more than just a fitness class. it combines music, body awareness, fitness, mind and soul. To rhythmic music and rousing bass, my participants and i experience a unique class every week that takes our fitness to a new level.
Click here to book a ride with me in Berlin

This page was built by Amina Schumann