My Favourite Houseplants

I have a lot of plants in my home, but I'd like to show off some of my favourites!

Firstly, my oldest and most favourite plant is my Snake Plant! I have had it since I moved into my flat two years ago and it is my oldest (surviving) plant. The scientific name is the Dracaema Trifasciata. Snake plants are very hardy and all but thrive on neglect, so they are great options for a beginner. They're happy in just about any amount of sunlight and only needs to be watered once their soil has completely dried out (normally about every two weeks). Be carefuly not to overwater as they'll go squishy!

Learn more about Snake Plants

Next, allow me to introduce you to my Pancake Plant, which is also commonly known as a Chinese Money Plant but its scientific name is the Pilea Peperomioides. This is one of my newest plants as I bought it only a couple of months ago. Pancake plants enjoy indirect sunlight, but will start to discolour if left in bright direct light too long. Water about once a week over the summer, making sure that the soil is completely dry first and fortnightly during the colder months. They also enjoy having their leaves mistied quite often as they don't like being too dry.

Learn more about Pancake Plants

Lastly, this is my Swiss Cheese Plant, or the Monstera Adansonii by it's scientific name. It has been with me about a year now and has proven to be a bit trickier to keep well compared to the previous two but even more rewarding as it's always producing new leaves. Swiss cheese plants tend to enjoy lower, indirect light as too much bright light exposure will damage their leaves. You should water about once a week when the soil has dried out (fortnightly during the winter) and mist often to encourage leaf growth. You can probably see mine has had a bit too much light on one side, so he's been moved to a less bright spot to help him recover.

Learn more about Swiss Cheese Plants

Need help choosing a house plant?

This page was built by Hayley Hammond