🎬 My Favorite Type of Film is Film Noir🎬

Generic Scene

Film Noir (French: “dark film”), style of filmmaking characterized by such elements as cynical heroes, stark lighting effects, frequent use of flashbacks, intricate plots, and an underlying existentialist philosophy. The genre was prevalent mostly in American crime dramas of the post-World War II.
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Reasons Why I Love Film Noir Especially

The Story Telling

The inherent subjectivity of Expressionism is evident in film noir’s use of narration and flashback. An omniscient, metaphor-spouting narrator (often the central character) frequently clarifies a characteristically labyrinthine noir plot or offers a subjective, jaded point of view. The denouement (often the death or downfall of the central character) is revealed in the opening scenes; flashbacks then tell of the circumstances that led to the tragic conclusion. Tension and suspense are increased by the use of all-knowing narrators and flashbacks, in that the audience is always cognizant of impending doom-and are taken on a journey to discover how this fateful end has come about.

Black and White Lighting

Film Noir relies heavily on 'low-key lighting' to create an uncanny atmospher resulting in a vivid contrast and strong lack shadows. Most classic Noir films were from the 40's-60's which meant color film wasn't invented yet. One of my favorite tropes in Noir are venetian blinds lighting (picture). The effect it has is black shadows peer over the character. In depth is a metaphor that the character is in a cage, like a jail bar. They will usually feel trapped in the situation, moment, and extesentional life. This is just one of the amazing use and representation of lighting techniques in Film Noir."

The Femme Fetal

The Femme Fetal is a classic trope that makes Film Nior. Often displayed by a beautiful, attractive and seductive woman. Especially one who is likely to cause distress or disaster to a man who becomes involved with her.

The Cynical Hero

Lasly, the main protagonist is almost always played by a male. Often a detective or otherwise a social alienated individual. They are hard-boiled hereos that are subject to existential angst.

Christina's Watch List

✨Mildred Peirce
✨Double Indemnity
✨The Maltese Falcon
✨Sunset Boulevard