Running for Wellness 🏃‍

Women enjoying running together in a park

Running has many fantastic mental health benefits:

I recommend running to everyone - it's a fantastic way to get outdoors and exercise! There are many great apps out there that can help you to gradually build up your running and stamina. I used the couch to 5k app in the first lockdown to start my running journey and highly recommend it.

My top tips for beginners:

  1. Get a gait analysis - being fitted for the right type of running shoe is so important and reduces the risk of injury!
  2. Run with friends - running can be a great reason to meet up with friends for a catch up whilst exercising!
  3. Have a goal - whether thats being able to run for a specific length of time or signing up for and completing your first race!

Join your local parkrun! Across the UK each Saturday morning many parks have a meet-up. It's a 5k race and a great way to meet other runners.

Learn more at Womens Running