Backyard Quail

Quail hen with a nest of eggs

You can raise quail too!

Domesticated quail are worth raising due to their delicious eggs, tender meat, and manageable size. They are dual-purpose birds. These small birds are easy to raise as backyard poultry, and can even be rasied indoors! This means whether you're a seasoned poultry pro or a homesteading novice, you'll find quail easy to care for.

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Benefits of Keeping Quail:

A quail hen being held near the eggs she has layed

Whether you want to raise quail for leisure, profit, or as a self-sufficient food source for you and your family quail can work for you! While requiring less space and resources quail mature significantly faster meaning your birds will begin producing eggs, meat, and chicks in a fraction of the time when compared to other poultry. Their meat and eggs are healthier and more nutritious and since you raised them yourself you will know exactly where your food came from!

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