Biology BSc 1st Semester


It's weird how watching a bunch of cells doing their cells things, makes you feel so small and big at the same time.
At the top you see the cells of a plant called "Helleborus niger" , also called "Christmas rose"!
Even though it seems not really entertaining, because it's just a bunch of green, you can do quite fun stuff with it, i.e. extract the Chlorophyll (the green pigment) or take a closer look how the inner part of the cells move around and how they interact!

Have a look at these other snapshots from lab 🧫 🤩


Colored "Vicia faba" cells during mitosis


You know chloroplasts from school right? This is a megaplast , which is just one big Chloroplast!


A Freshwaterpolyp called "Hydra" (looks like an alien 👽, right?)
Coded by Noëlle Wenger 🧬