Welcome to Vienna!

Danube library

Why Vienna?

  • Vienna is the capital of Austria.
  • Vienna is the most beautiful city in Austria.
  • Vienna is a place to celebrate life, romance, art and pleasure.
  • Why should you visit Vienna?

  • To see St. Stephen's Cathedral
  • To take in a Performance at the Spanish Riding School
  • To visit the Prater and Ride the Giant Ferris Wheel
  • To eat Sachertorte

  • Before you visit Vienna, let's learn some basic german phrases!

  • Guten Tag! - Hello!
  • Ja - Yes
  • Nein - No
  • Bitte - Please
  • Ich möchte... - I want...
  • Ich heiße... - My name is...
  • Ich liebe Wien! - I love Vienna!
  • Read more about Vienna here.