Nature in town

3 places to enjoy greenery in Portugal

Living in a city can be stressful and lead anyone to feel disconnected from nature. Let's discover where you can find an urban jungle right next to where you live in Portugal.

1. Estufa Fria, Lisbon

The Estufa Fria (lit. "Cold Greenhouse") is a greenhouse with three distinct gardens located in Eduardo VII Park between the streets Alameda Engenheiro Edgar Cardoso and Alameda Cardeal Cerejeira in Lisbon, Portugal. (Source: Wikipedia)

  • Estufa Fria from Greenery Corner blog
  • Estufa Fria from Greenery Corner blog
  • Estufa Fria from Greenery Corner blog

2. Jardim Botanico, Lisbon

The University of Lisbon Botanical Garden was designed as a scientific garden, planting began in 1873 through the initiative of two professors, the Earl of Ficalho and Andrade Corvo. (Source: The Lisbon Connection)

  • Jardim Botanico de Lisboa from Greenery Corner blog
  • Jardim Botanico de Lisboa from Greenery Corner blog
  • Jardim Botanico de Lisboa from Greenery Corner blog

3. Jardim Botanico, Coimbra

The Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra was founded in 1772-1774 and it was integrated with the Natural History Museum established by the Marquis of Pombal. The garden, considered one of the most beautiful of Europe, occupies 13 hectares. (Source: Wikipedia)

  • Jardim Botanico de Coimbra from Greenery Corner blog
  • Jardim Botanico de Coimbra from Greenery Corner blog
  • Jardim Botanico de Coimbra from Greenery Corner blog

Hope you'll enjoy these greenery gems, see you soon!

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