
It is like a fuel to the soul...

Galaxy in a jar

If you are creative like me, you will definitely agree that, once the inspiration strikes, you feel like you're on top of the world. Anything and everything seems achievable - that poem, those lyrics to a song that you've needed to write for a while, maybe a code to a website... :)
When it comes to me, I like to call myself a creative industry enthusiast. If I get a taste of something that makes my heart beat louder, I will try to keep a memory of that sweetness for as long as I shall live. I will try to get a bite every day, even if just for a second.
My favourite flavours include music, acting, modelling, creative writing, yoga and meditation, languages and now - coding. If you can bake the sweetest cake with all the flavours that life has given you, why not do it? Let's get inspired together and share that inspiration!

Here's where you can find