🧘🏽‍♀️Winning the First hour of the day in 10 steps🧘🏽‍♀️

Road to becoming a better you!!!

Practicing these 10 easy step daily will not only help you when the first hour of the day but create your first win of the day.

  1. Routine and Time: Write out a routine that’s going to work best for you. Own it and commit to it. Perform it daily. What time are you going to wake up each morning? The earlier the better and believe me the energy is amazing. Like the saying goes “The early bird, catches the wormed”.

  2. Get out of bed: To start, set your alarm until it comes second nature to point where you’re automatically waking up without your alarm clock.
    Until then:
    • NO MR. SNOOZE BUTTON. Get up!
    • APPLY Mel Robbins 5 second rule.Five seconds is the time it takes for your brain to take you out of the struggle of getting out of bed.
      • Which is to launch yourself out of bed by counting down from 5.
      • After you count down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then moves.

  3. Make your bed and let in the light: Making your bed is the best way to keep you from looking at it and wanting to get cozy all over again while allowing natural light into your room. Avoid getting back cozy. You’re up and ready to start the day. YOU’RE MAKING PROGRESS! It’s your second success for the day.

  4. Hydrate: Drink a full glass of water. Before getting ready for the day, drinking a glass of water helps refuel your body and ensure that your metabolism runs well throughout the day. Why? You have been asleep all night and your body are dehydrated. Water can also help wake you up and reduce your feelings of hunger. Another success!

  5. Eat Breakfast: Most important meal of the day. Extra fuel to help re-engize your body

  6. Get Outside: Go outside and take a 30-40min walk or run. Before leaving grab your phone for listening to some music, podcast, and something spiritual and motivational while staying unplugged from social media and the news.

  7. Gratitude: Speak gratitude out loud. Give thanks for waking up, for grace, for mercy, for family. Speak it out loud into the universe. Use “I am” statements such as: “I am successful”, “I am joyful”, “I am walking into the new me”. Absorb the energy as it comes in. Claim victory! Be excited, as if it’s already done.

  8. Meditating:Find a quiet place to mediate and listen to the inner you. Allow your body to speak to you. Allow your body to tell you your goals and greatest vision. Plus, if you meditate in morning as opposed to later in the day, you’ll ensure that you will have a successful day. Meditation has many benefits, including promoting awareness, decreasing stress and anxiety, helping you sleep better, and promoting your well-being overall.

  9. Journal:Writing goals is more of a commitment. This page should be the top 10 goals that you are going to achieve. In order obtained the top 10 start by writing down anything and everything that may have pop up in your head or grasped from the night before or early morning. select the top ten then creating a Do list with remainding items.This most likely why so many successful women, including Oprah, add it to their morning agendas.

  10. Armed and Dangerous:You’re starting armed and dangerous. Ready for whatever comes your way. It’s only been an hour and you have already accomplished so much. Getting up, hydrating, exercising, gratitude, goals, and vision. You’re ready for the rest of my day. With this amount of success at winning the first hour of the day, the rest of the day will be a success.
  11. 21 day challenge

    We want you to join the 21 day challenge by winning the first hour of each day. They say it takes 21 days to create a habit, so what better way to get to winning than to challenge yourself to commit for 21 days.

Coded by LaShell Hernandez