Do you love kids?

Be an Aupair!

Aupair and kids


/ˌō ˈper

a young foreign person, who helps with housework or child care in exchange for room and board.

Do you want to explore the world? Do you want to improve your English? Then this program is for you! An Au Pair is a young person between 18-26 from another country, who lives with your family while caring for the children.Au pairs become like older siblings to their host kids.Many governments impose limits as to how many hours an au pair is allowed to work. Tasks can include taking children to and from school, taking children to after-school activities, cooking, cleaning, ironing, tidying up and babysitting. Each placement varies depending on the host family. The Au Pair program can be a great adventure and the beginning of a life-long friendship between the Au Pair and the Host Family.
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