I Love Exploring!

mountanous picture with falls

Especially in your own neck of the woods! One of my favourite things to do is travel and experience new places. Finding new favourite places are like finding treasures: you get to keep that memory and look forward to the next time. During the pandemic when global travel has been hampered, feelings of isolation and being cooped up arose. Exploring domestically became a way to stay grounded and balanced for some people. Discovering the richness in history and culture at you're own backyard, leaves you in awe at how expansive life can be.. and how much of the world you still don't know. My backyard, Canada, has a lot to offer. You can find something for everyone.

Are you a foody, travel blogger, photograper or nature lover? Are you a city dweller, film enthusiast or fashionista? We have something for you. Exploring is an eye opening and humbling experience and everyone that could safely tavel, should try it.

Made by: Carissa Ganuelas