The essential nature of travel

„Life is short and the world is wide“

They say travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer. Don't believe me? Then let's jump right into the reasons why travelling is such a rewarding experience 😊

1. It gets you out of your comfort zone

Let's be honest – travelling can be challenging, especially when you're set in your ways. But that's the beauty of it! It pushes you to try new things, find new places and meet new people. It is full of joyful moments, intertwined with unique challenges. It is overcoming those challenges that will help you learn who you are and make for unforgettable memories.

2. It gives you perspective

Travel is a wonderful teacher. Too often we make snap judgements about people, countries or cultures we don't know. Travelling lets you learn about them and see that your way of thinking is not the only way, it's not even necessarily the best one!

3. It lets you create wonderful memories

Travel creates memories that will last a lifetime. You will always forget how much money you spent and even the small troubles you faced, but the adventures, the people and the experience will stay with you forever.

4. It relieves stress and makes you happier

Travel has a fascinating ability to lower stress levels as it let's you forget about the pesky time-schedules that seemingly rule our lives. Take a break and just embrace the here and now! Check out more on the health benefits of travel here.

5. It turns you into a storyteller

Start a story with "I went to [insert country] last year" and you'll have everyone hooked! Little difficulties will sound wildly entertaining and seemingly trivial things will astound. You can even use the opportunity to share the things you've learned on your travels and broaden the perspective of your listeners.

Convinced yet? 😉

Built by Nika Potisek