Welcome to the Lola Cristina Fan Page 🐕

🗳 Vote for your favorite Lola picture

This page's sole purpose is to show pictures of Lola to the world! Voting is arbitrary as there is no prize for the most liked picture. However, voting is the official way to be initiated into the fan club! Just click on your favorite picture to cast your vote! 🐶

Below you will see four pictures of Lola throughout the years. Feel free to be amazed at how beautiful this Venezuelan-Louisianian biligual dog is. She is super sassy, highly communicative, and always up for some belly rubs. She likes to stick her nose in everyone's business and enjoys supervising construction workers through the window.

Dog sitting

Please consider donating to your local animal shelter to help save other rescues like Lola! If you'd like to donate to the same shelter Lola was rescued by, click here!