yoga break

Welcome to the yoga break, our online journal all about yoga.
We inspire you in your yoga journey through practice recommendation, travel and lifestyle inspirations.

Asana of the week: Downward facing dog
One of yoga's most widely recognized poses, Adho Mukha Svanasana strengthens the core and improves circulation, while providing a delicious, full-body stretch.
Yoga Retreat in Bali
Why is Bali so special when it comes to yoga retreats? Apart from the incredible scenery of the island that makes you immediately find peace of mind, Bali has a predominantly Hindu culture. Therefore, Bali has a rich history of yoga and the Balinese culture is known for its appreciation of combining spiritual life with nature. In addition, Bali is a great place to easily combine yoga with things surfing and other outdoor activities.
Acai Bowl Recipe
Ready in just a few minutes, this Acai Bowl Recipe is filled with acai berry puree, fruit, and all your favorite toppings. To check the recipe click here.


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