
saves lives

There are more than 400 million stray cats worldwide. In Germany alone there are approximately 2 million. Shelters don't have the capacity or the ressources to take in all of those strays. Some are requiered to by law though. Those shelters are what you would call kill shelters. You can help by fostering cats and especially kittens because those need the most ressources.

Fostering has been a big part of my live these past two years and even though it has been tough, it's also been an absolute joy to give these cats a second chance and to watch them blossom into the most loving, playful little companions. Someone will look forward to coming home to them every single day as soon as they found their forever home.

two tiny red tabby kittens cuddling

Discover the different age groups

photo of a black neonatal kitten

Neonatal kittens
(younger than 4 weeks)

🙀Needs: Bottlefeeding, warmth & help to potty

photo of a brown tabby kitten with a white belly

(older than 4 weeks)

🐱‍👤Needs: Playtime and socialisation

photo of an adult tabby cat

Adult cats
(older than 1 year)

😻Needs: Patience

Everyone can foster!