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The beauty of Stoic Philosophy

Founder of Stoicism Zeno of Citium

In times of great uncertainty, the ability to keep calm is not an unnecessary luxury. The ancient Stoics did not shy away from adversity but, instead, managed to endure while continuing their pathways of virtue. Zeno of Citium, father of Stoic Philosphy, knew that Stocisim laid great emphasis on goodness and peace of mind gained from living a life of virtue in accordance with nature.

Marcus Aurelius, applied this philosphy to his life and prospered as one of the greastest emperors of the Roman Empire era. If you were to peek into his memoirs, published as "Meditations", you will see how he struggled to perform his duty without losing his mind, and without falling for the seductive trap of indulging in sensual pleasures as many other emperors did, his own son included.

Learn more about 7 Stoic Principles for inner peace here