Tang Soo Do script

Tang Soo Do:
Traditional Korean Martial Arts

Overview of Tang Soo Do

One Step Fighting Clipart

Tang Soo Do could be described as a Korean version of karate. It is a striking style of martial arts in that practitioners utilize hand strikes, kicks, and blocks to defend themselves. In addition, jiu-jitsu or aikido style wrist grabs are also practiced (known as self-defense moves). Tang Soo Do is a style that emphasizes breathing in its forms and practice, no contact or light contact sparring, and the building of character within its participants. It is not enough for a Tang Soo Do practitioner to learn the various physical moves within the art. In addition, they must learn about the style's history and demonstrate respect for this and other people. Tang Soo Do is known for its kicking artistry.

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Benefits of Tang Soo Do Training

woman in side stance and punch

There are many physical and mental benefits to studying Tang Soo Do. These benefits include:

Interesting Facts

chuck norris kicking

Literally translated, "Tang Soo Do" means "the way of the hand."

Tang Soo Do is the style of martial arts studied and popularized by American actor, Chuck Norris.

Tang Soo Do utilizes a colored-belt system of promotion. However, practitioners of do not earn "black" belts. Rather, this level of achievment is represented by a midnight blue belt. The reason for this is that in Korean culture, the color black symbolizes perfection and no one is perfect- hence, midnight blue.

Belt System

Techniques and Practices

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