Welcome To My VanLife/Nomadic Dream🚌

What Does Your Freedom Look Like?

Bus Conversion

Everyone's idea of freedom is different from the next person's. Some dream of financial freedom(I mean, who don't?), While some dream of early retirement. Others' perfect dream life is as simple as waking up every day and playing golf on a well-groomed, well-designed golf course. Whatever is your idea of freedom we are all entitled to one. My freedom takes on a vision of converting the perfect bus, equipped with everything I need to be comfortable. To have the ability to travel where ever my bus can drive. The opportunity to work in remote locations, still make pretty good money and love what I do. I fell in love with this alternative life just off a mere YouTube video. One video turned into hundreds of videos, and there began my obsession with living a nomadic, free and simple life.

Converted Bus

Conversion vans came into style during the 1960s. Early conversions were considered camping vans, some having pop tops or fixed fiberglass bubble tops. They sported gas stoves, places to sleep, tables, carpet, lights, etc. Later in the 70's often with murals were painted along the sides, portal, and other shaped windows. After the mid-80s, luxurious interiors featuring thickly padded seats, wood trim, and luxury lighting began to appear.

Learn more on Wikipedia
Converted Bus with Dog

What are you passionate about? What does your life of freedom look like? Is it filled with luxury and beautiful things or is it simple and timeless like nature in its truest form? When do you think you can achieve this life or will it stay as a distance dream only possible in the slumber of night?

Let's watch a conversion together.