Is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel,” “circle,” “turning” or “disk.” Life force energy (referred to as prana or kundalini) is said to gather in centers of the subtle body.
Chakras refer to spinning centers of life force energy found in a person’s subtle body.
A chakra is said to be a “spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column” that “receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy.” While some sources may connect chakras with nerve plexuses and physical organs of the body, they are not considered physical organs.
Why haven't we seen the chakras?
Doctors and scientists used to ask me, “Why, when we have witnessed many operations have we never seen the chakras?” The only reply I could give them was, “Can you show me the sound waves in a transistor radio? I have opened up radios, but I have never found the BBC there.”
– Swami Satyananada Saraswat.
Chakras collect and transmit energy for use physically, mentally and spiritually.