Night Owls or Early Birds

Some people stay up well into the dead of night, and others wake up before the sun rises. Your tendency to be either a night owl or an early bird is known as your chronotype.
You can check it by clicking the button below or perform the test at the bottom of the page.

early birds - the rooster

Early birds πŸ“πŸ“πŸ“

Early birds, or morning people, wake up early and are most productive in the early hours of the day. They may, however, have more trouble keeping up with social activities in the evenings because they likely start to feel sleepy by that time. Early birds tend to perform better in school and at work, and may be more likely to get enough exercise each day.

night owls - owl

Night Owls πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰πŸ¦‰

Night owls make up approximately 15% of the population and are most productive late into the evenings. Many are creative and more open to taking risks.While not always true, they may be more likely to:

While being a night owl tends to come with more negatives, if the schedule works for you, there’s no reason to change just for the sake of it. As long as you are making sure to sleep 7-9 hours each night, eating healthy, and getting enough exercise, you should be fine.

Take the quiz to see if you’re a night owl or an early bird: