Women In Tech

Closing The Gender Gap In Technology

Women Coding

Statistics show that over a quarter of female students are less likely to continue tech subjects through to university, this is mainly due to being too intimidated to pursue a career within an industry which is deemed to be heavily male dominated.

Only 19% of the workforce within Technology are female.

Only 5% of leadership positions within Technology are held by women.

Around 78% of large Tech organisations admitted to having a large gender pay gap

Even though there has been demonstration of efforts to increase diversity within tech companies, the gender gap is still an issue which needs to be addressed.

Here are some ways in which the Technology industry can create an inclusive space for women:

⭐Encourage women to study tech subjects at an early age.

⭐Providing mentoring opportunities and influential female role models.

⭐ Closing the gender pay gap

⭐Female & Diversity networking events

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"Diversity is having a seat at the table, inclusion is having a voice, and belonging is having that voice be heard"- Liz Fosslien

Coded by Emma Hubble