The reasons why writing is important

Clears your mind

Writing things down forces us to put our thoughts in logical order. Rather than jumping back and forth between different trains of thought, writing down what’s on our minds lets us look at our problems one by one.

An communication skill

Writing is a great way to improve our communication skills because it removes the time pressure we feel in actual conversations. Rather than constantly needing to think of something to say, you can pause and think about what you could say that would be most effective.

Makes you a better reader

Experienced writers are also discerning and intelligent readers. Every time you critique your own writing, you’ll learn and be able to notice the problems that other writers also face, from grammar mistakes to using words that don’t make sense. More importantly, it’ll help you read closely and carefully.

Helps you understand difficult things

The simplest reason is that you’re creating something you can refer back to. Rather than sitting through the entire lecture again, you can glance at your notes for a few seconds and get back up to speed. These quick reviews are incredibly helpful at building long-term memories and understanding.

Writing picture

“A word after a word after a word is power.” —Margaret Atwood

“It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.” —PD James

“The mark of a master is to select only a few moments but to give us a lifetime.” —Robert McKee

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