Cinque Terre, Italy

The most amazing place to visit!

Cinque Terre, Italy

If you have the opportunity to travel to Europe, Cinque Terre, Italy is an experience that can't easily be put into words, to say its my favorite place on earth is like saying the sun will always shine in the shadows of a blissful mind. Cinque Terre has five cities within walking distance, all intimately connected by the history of the earth; a web of interconnected trails often hiked by locals and travelers alike, engulfed in the mountains but shadowing the sea below. The atmosphere, culture and architectural aesthetics like the colorful houses built into the side of a cliff are what drew me here but it's the food that made me stay, delicious. Everyday I would use my nose to guide me to where I wanted to eat, I was never disappointed. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience how special Cinque Terre is.

Why you should go to Cinque Terre, Italy

This page was built by Elizabeth Davis