The J🧇Y of Comedy

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Joy Nystrom

Comedian Author Podcaster

Meet Joy a.k.a The Queen. Comedian, writer, creator, waffle consumer, cheesemaker, coder and all around mastermind. Joy began her comedy journey in 2020 right before the pandemic hit. Her first show was cancelled due to Coronavirus, but she decided that she would continue to do comedy through instagram.

While in quarantine Joy not only pursued her comedic journey, but she also wrote her second book 🧇Sex and Waffles: an American Whoreor Story🧇 Joy published her second book on Valentine's day 2021. Following the publishing of her second book, After spending a year in quarantine, Joy ventured back out into the wild to her first open mic and was booked on a show immediately. Following her success at The Elbow Room in West Hartford, CT, Joy moved to NYC 7 months later to pursue stand-Up comedy.

Along with stand-up coomedy, Joy works as a full-time cheesemaker, where she makes over 5,000 pounds of cheddar cheese daily, in downtown NYC. Joy spends her days snacking, running, taking care of her house plants, snacking again, and making jokes about the tragic men who have wronged her.

Coded by Joy Nystrom